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by Team Lynch Real Estate Consultants
It's that time of year ... before we know it the Metrowest area will be blanketed with the beautiful colors of red, orange, and gold and the temperatures will be dipping lower. That means we need to get ourselves going and start preparing our homes to handle the demands of the upcoming cooler season. Below is a checklist of the most common Home Maintenance items that need to be done in the fall. The great news is, you can easily get them done on a weekend....and you'll be able to save a little money by tackling them now.


1. Paging Dr Heat!........It's time to get your furnace a physical. Each year you need to clean and /or replace furnace filters and wipe down any dust that has accumulated around the unit. If you hear any screeching or whines, or unusual noises with the system, you should call in to have a service technician come out and check the unit before winter season sets in. If you would like a recommendation, you can call us directly or follow this link to the people we work with and recommend: Team Lynch Business Partners.

2. Time To Get Your Mind In The Gutters! Inspect your gutters and downspouts for any clogs, and clean out the path thoroughly. Make sure this is done once the leaves are completely down from the trees at the end of the season as well. Keeping the gutters cleaned ensures that your home will not incur exterior damage to foundation walls or water in the basement. You may want to invest in mesh coverings for your gutters that will prevent any leaves or other debris from collecting in them in the future.                                

3. Get Yourself A View From The Top! Now that we're already talking about the top of the house we might as well stay there. It's very important to check your roof for damaged shingles before entering the winter season. Nothing is worse for a homeowner than a small drip that turns into a full blown disaster by the time they realize it's a hole in the roof! So take the time to scan the entire roof, top to bottom, looking for cracks, wind damage, curling of shingles, ones completely gone, damage to the metal flashing, etc. Once you have done your evaluation, have it repaired as soon as possible. Again, if you find yourself in need of a professional Roofer, give us a call or follow this link:  Team Lynch Business Partners

4. Walk the Walk Baby! You really need to take a walk around your home, inspect every walkway surface. Damaged walkways are a hazard every day, but bad weather makes them even more dangerous. Look for large cracks, uneven payment, loose bricks or pavers, loose railings, etc. Once you've made your list head over to your local home improvement store and get to work. The little time it takes to fix could potentially save you thousands in bills later on the year.

5. CHILL OUT.....or maybe we should just say FREEZE! Make sure to shut off all your exterior irrigation systems and drain the lines of the systems and hoses. Make sure to use a styrofoam faucet cover for your outdoor faucets and make sure all valves are in the closed and off position.

6. Gather 'Round the Fire. Fall and Winter are great for having fires in the fireplace, but making sure you have cleaned out the soot and creosote buildup is critical. It is also important to clean out any cobwebs and check for any bird nests or any other unwanted pests. We recommend calling in a professional if you have any questions at all.

7. Keeping the OTHER Wood fires Burning. Wood-burning stoves have made a huge comeback over the past couple years, but like fireplaces, need to be inspected to run efficiently and safely. Be sure to read and operate by the instruction manual and maintenance as required.

8. I'm Sealing Away.... This can be a big job, but a very necessary one that can help save some green on the heating bills for the year! Walk through your home and seal any gaps and cracks around windows and doors with weather-stripping or caulk. If you are going to be using caulk- especially in places like joints, corners, & places protruding from the wall- this will need to be done before the temperatures get too cool.

9. Keep it Humming! With winters dry air many of us keep the humidifier going on a constant rotation. To ensure efficient operation make sure to clean the plates or pads every 30 days or as recommended by the manufacturer. This also helps cut down on re-circulating moisture into the air that has any mold or bacteria in it that has built up in the humidifier itself.

10. Ready....Stop, now Reverse. Help with your heating bills by changing the direction of your ceiling fans. Reverse the direction of the fans and create an upward draft that redistributes the warm air from the ceiling. Also make sure to clean the blades of the fan regularly with a soapy water mixture. Dust and bacteria builds up on the blades daily and regular use also moves that through the air as well.

11. It's a Safety Dance. Make sure your family is safe. A home safety check is a ritual that should be done twice annually in every household. Test your Smoke Detectors & CO Monitors, Inspect or Install Fire Extinguishers, Review or Make a Fire Escape Plan for your Family and rid your home of any fire hazards.

12. A Few Final Notes...... Make sure to embrace the season! Put up a great fall wreath on the front door, buy a few Mums from a local store. Visit a local orchard and pick some apples for baking a yummy Apple Pie and get ready for the pumpkins!  

If you'd like more information about home ownership in the Metrowest area, please contact Dyanne or Jon at TeamLynchRealEstate.                                                                           

In Memory of 911

by Team Lynch Real Estate Consultants

It’s hard to believe 13 years have past since that tragic day. Once again, our thoughts and prayers turn to all those who lost loved ones on September 11, 13 years ago. But how can we participate to commemorate this anniversary and why is it so important 13 years later? When we choose to commemorate this anniversary, we’re playing an important role in memorializing those who lost their lives, honoring the first responders and remembering the unifying spirit that emerged afterward. Performing acts of kindness and service in our community, in memory of the victims, is one way we can participate on this day, so that the events, sacrifices and people are never forgotten. Things have never been quite the same in the United States of America, since that tragic day. So as you go through your day, remember the victims you know, those you don’t and that we still live in the land of the free and home of brave. So today, cherish your freedom, family and friends as you remember.

New England Patriots Opening Game 2014

by Team Lynch Real Estate Consultants


Finally, NFL preseason football is over. Bad, generic football with too many whistles is a poor substitute while we wait for the real season to start. The regular season started Thursday for Seattle and Green Bay fans, and now the regular season is here for us.  Almost.

Our Patriots to open tomorrow against the Dolphins. But if you just can’t stand the wait, here’s my top 10 list of things you can do to pass time until kick off.

  1. Watch college football, today. Some of these kids will be on our team soon enough.
  2. Watch the last preseason game again. (I know you recorded it.) WATCH the game this time. Cheer when we score. Throw stuff at the TV on bad plays and bad calls. Pretend it’s a real game.
  3. Imagine what it would be like to watch a real football game, with game plans, and players who can actually make a difference tomorrow.
  4. Laundry. According to mom, you can never have too much clean underwear.
  5. Decorate the house for tomorrow’s game. Get out the colored lights, decorations and jerseys.
  6. Pray that key players, critical to our playoff run, don’t decide to play a little pickup basketball this weekend and blow a knee or ankle.
  7. Celebrate that we live here and aren’t Texan or Viking fans.
  8. Bet friends on which second-stringers will become the next WWE Heavyweight Champion, after football.
  9. Tailgate. Tailgating isn’t just for game day anymore! Fire up a new grill & try a new drink recipe. Opening day starts tomorrow and gives you a license to have an epic party.
  10. Thank the heavens above that the regular season is only a day away.

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